This is another new feature of SWEET CHIN MUSIC CENTRAL that will come out weekly as well. The Superstar of the Week will be chosen and reviewed based on his or her performance in the WWF throughout the week.



his was a hard decision to make this week. It was between him, Bret Hart, or Jeff Jarrett. But I decided that it was Owen's time in the spotlight.

Owen Hart....the King of Harts....2-time Slammy Award winner. No matter what, he always puts on a quality show. And, for years, I don't think he got the recognition that he deserved. Being the youngest in the Hart family had something to do with it. Always living in the shadows of his brother Bret put a damper on his own success. But, now, I think Owen is in his prime. The Hart Foundation is back together as a whole, and he is the Intercontinental Champion. For how long? Only time will tell. This man is, without a doubt, Hall of Fame bound. He's got the talent that will soon lead him to the WWF Championship. And he has no quit in him. That was evident on tonight's Raw. After that scissorkick from Ahmed Johnson, it was very clear that Owen was hurt. Hell, he still wasn't up even after Austin stunned Johnson. Later reports said that he sustained a concussion and possibly a bruise on the brain. He is now recuperating back home in Canada. Not only is his will strong, but so is his desire. The desire to be the best wrestler as well as the best father and husband. A kind and compassionate man, Owen Hart truly deserves to be named Superstar of the Week. ,p. Well, I'm outta here for this week. Tune in next week to the columnist that tells it like it is!! Have a good week everyone, and have a safe Halloween!!! Get well soon, Owen!! Can't wait to see you back!!

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